When we become mothers, we are very often unprepared for the overwhelm on our nervous system, the sense of ‘losing ourselves’ and the power struggles that can happen with our children, when we feel out of control ourselves.
All behaviour in our children is communication on what’s going on for them, and often, a reflection of our dynamic, together ~ if you read this and feel a sense of shame, or guilt, I invite you to soften that and instead invite curiosity, and remember that quality relationships are developed through not avoiding pain and disconnection, but a willingness to work through it and repair.
FLOW: mind body mothering is a 3 part series to deepen your practice and understanding of interpersonal neurobiology (in this case, how your brain and body works together with your child’s) to support your parenting, understand more of your child, and build and refine your toolkits for connection and repair, so that parenting becomes a joy again!
It will also reveal a whole lot about how other relationships in your life function, which is pretty juicy.
The Map - Practicing the art of really seeing your child, and honouring yourself and how your relationship intersects (this is key for you to access spaciousness even in chaos)
The Structure - daily rhythm of in breaths, out breaths, my system for decoding your triggers, and building respectful boundaries
The Freedom - transforming guilt & shame, reflection practice and modelling & teaching repair (which you’ll use in motherhing, relationship, and beyond!)
Each module is a video training and worksheet or resource that you can access now to help you translate the learnings, and practice, into your own world.
Self-study mode // $111
(Upgrade option - Self-study mode + a 1:1 coaching session for deeper transformational work on your mothering imprint to reimagine your motherhood $290 - BUY NOW )