ALCHEMY 1:1 experience

The identity shifts that come with motherhood are an invitation to evolve, and yet amid the crumbling, it often doesn’t feel that way. The comparison with others or your ‘old life’, feeling burdened by the ‘should’s’ of perfect mothering and the opinions of family, can weigh you down and in your reflection, you see a woman who has lost herself by degrees. Maybe you LOVE motherhood, but also resent it? Or you’re grappling with the fantasy of how you thought it was going to be, and you’re feeling challenged in balancing the tension of being the ‘woman out in the world’ and the parent you desire to be? Together, we’ll weave meaning, richness, greater ease and appreciation.

ALCHEMY is for you if:
- You desire to take ownership and reflect upon how your life is telling your story
- You are willing to consider the idea that the world is a reflection of you…you can see nothing that you ‘are not’. The trigger is your teacher.
- You believe it’s entirely possible to grow your family as a top value AND create a life that deeply nourishes you. It doesn’t have to be either/or.
- You want to feel more confident, connected to yourself, children, and partner, and find greater clarity in what lights you up.
- You’d rather cultivate a mind opened in wonder, than closed by belief.

If your body, heart and mind say yes - let’s explore what’s blocking you, what beliefs are in the way of where you say you desire to be, re-awaken your connection to yourself and watch it ripple out into your world!

This is the ALCHEMY experience:

3 x 60 minute 1:1 ZOOM sessions
Voxer audio messenger support for six weeks, to assist your learning & integration
Bonus access to FLOW: Mind Body Mothering course

$1,111 pay-in-full

OR three payments of $377

Coaching with you has really expanded my container of motherhood and expanded who I can be within this role, which is so beautiful, as it’s allowed me to reclaim the parts that I felt I had to sacrifice and that couldn’t live alongside being a mum.

There has been such a massive shift in my outlook with my own mum…the magnitude of that shift is so amazing and it is really freed me up in so many ways to be the mother that I authentically am, without trying to be her, or try and compare myself to her, or criticise her to try and justify the way that I mother and who I am. Thank you, it’s something I have been struggling with for years, and this has just brought so much joy and lightness to my heart

HELD: Voxer Messenger support

Would you like to go deeper in your understanding of family dynamics, relationships, parenting and self-growth, with me 1:1 for 4 weeks?

How it works:
- You download the Voxer App and give me your 5 minute summary of what’s going on for you
- Together, we map where you desire to be at the end of the 4 weeks
- You journal through the prompting questions and tasks I set for you to unpack beliefs and rewire your neural pathways
- We check-in with each other every 2-3 days as new layers, challenges and awakenings reveal themselves
- You leave this container with at least one big shift in your perceptions of yourself and your world

$555 pay-in-full


Two payments of $279

Bridget is able to offer perspective that doesn’t make me feel burdened with responsibility, it makes me excited for opportunity. It amazes me how subtle shifts in the mind can drastically change life itself. Thank you, Bridget

EXPAND: 1:1 ZOOM session

When you transform how you see yourself and your world, you, and the world, expand to meet your greater potential. It’s a universal law.

In this 60 minute session I’ll guide you to see wider, notice your patterns, and unlock what’s in the way so you can embrace your wholeness and leap forward. Following the session you’ll receive 1 week of mentoring support via Voxer messaging app to further integrate the learnings sustainably, and practically.


Bridget’s support calls forth within you the courage to challenge your current belief systems, and in doing so, to expand your capacity to live a conscious, full, embodied, enriched life.
— Sophie